Saturday, November 13, 2010

Epic fail!

So my experiment has failed. I was already not able to keep up I have missed the past two weeks. But, in my own defense I have had bronchitis and was on 4 major meds. My husband has pneumonia and is sick too. I am finally feeling better after 6+ weeks of being sick.
I did accomplish a few scrap booking related tasks.
  1. I had a 4 1/2 inch stack of completed pages that I never actually put in albums. 2 years worth of pages. Sad I know. I hate actually organizing them.They are all now in albums and we can enjoy them.
  2. I downloaded approx. 40 fonts for my journaling onto the computer.
  3. I have now printed all of my fall pictures, and have a blank memory card!
  4. I have also organized a crop this next weekend for a good cause.

Sooooo I figure next weekend I will get alot done and I will make up for my epic fail!

Maybe I will be back with a post later, all this talking about scrapping has made me want to get started!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Weekly Challenge #2 =Tonka Time!

My weekly challenge: Use scraps & sew on the page! Done! I made a page called Tonka Time! I used the remains of my favorite paper pack EVER from CTMH, it is called "Tinkering" is no longer available...sniff :(
I sewed a random border around the inner border. I am not much of a sticker girl anymore, but I had authentic Tonka stickers that were just screaming to get on the page. Jacob was happy with the results, and that Mommy gave him the whole rest of the sheet of stickers.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Today's project

So I am in my scrapping space and right over my desk is the barest white wall ever....I know how boring and un-inspiring can you get right? So I took 3 photo frames that I bought at a dollar store 4 years ago and jazzed them up with some left over paper from a layout I did last weekend. I also printed more photos than I needed for my I combined the two and I must say it turned out pretty cute.

Now what excuse will I have for being un-inspired....hmmmmm?

It all starts now...

I am going to try an experiment, I am going to make myself finally get caught up on my scrap booking. Since I stopped being a stay at home Mom of 2 almost 3 years ago, I have gotten so far behind on my scrap booking. I host weekend crops with my friend Shelley 2 times a year and occasionally crop at home but that just does not cut it. I own more scrap booking supplies that I should admit too and I need to get to work. I am going to try and complete at least 1 two page layout or two pages a week from here on out. I will try and give mini-challenges to myself and maybe you too.

Week one~ Challenge, use flowers in a layout.