Saturday, November 13, 2010

Epic fail!

So my experiment has failed. I was already not able to keep up I have missed the past two weeks. But, in my own defense I have had bronchitis and was on 4 major meds. My husband has pneumonia and is sick too. I am finally feeling better after 6+ weeks of being sick.
I did accomplish a few scrap booking related tasks.
  1. I had a 4 1/2 inch stack of completed pages that I never actually put in albums. 2 years worth of pages. Sad I know. I hate actually organizing them.They are all now in albums and we can enjoy them.
  2. I downloaded approx. 40 fonts for my journaling onto the computer.
  3. I have now printed all of my fall pictures, and have a blank memory card!
  4. I have also organized a crop this next weekend for a good cause.

Sooooo I figure next weekend I will get alot done and I will make up for my epic fail!

Maybe I will be back with a post later, all this talking about scrapping has made me want to get started!