Saturday, July 28, 2012

Life has changed so much....

Since I started this blog I have changed so much..  I took a "class" through my church called "Apples of Gold" about 18 months ago and it has inspired me in so many ways.  Not only in my relationship with God but as my role as a wife and mother.  I learned so many things and it awakened so many hearts desires as well.  It is my job to take care of my husband, children and home...and you know what it is awesome to have that as my job.  God, wants me to do these things and in this era we are told that woman are supposed to not want that role.  But, I know it is o.k. for me work outside the home and to be a homemaker too.  I know that it is is right because of how I feel, and how things "have fallen in to place."  The people God has placed on my path have helped me so much and the changes I have seen in my home are amazing.
    I started making small changes in my life, making more meals not from a box, skipping the fast food.  Then I started doing things like making "freezer meals"  where I made meals ahead of time and froze them.  Then I taught myself how to can.  Yes, I can.  I love it.  Last year I was gifted a large amount of organic cucumbers one weekend while my husband was away.  I read a few blogs and wham I made 3 batches of pickles....they are awesome.  Since then, we bought a freezer and I have frozen all sorts of local, farm fresh organic produce.  I can't wait for this winter when I do not have to buy all the canned goods and frozen vegetables.  I have been loving every minute of this transformation.  There is such a good feeling that comes over you when you are "putting up" vegetables and foods for your family.   Yes, I still enjoy scrapbooking, and I will blog about that too, but I will also have lots of focus on my family life and my journey.

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